Tips for the Savy & Safe Diabetes Supplement
Supplements for diabetes are very popular. Why do we need to talk about supplement red flags? The FDA lists diabetes supplements as a product category to watch for along with sexual enhancement, weight loss, and body building. Some alternative treatment for diabetes can replace diabetes medications when combined with a good lifestyle.
Pick your meter wisely
A blood sugar meter is like a friend. Choose wisely or it can be a real pain in the rear. Let’s figure out what you want out of a diabetes meter to make checking blood sugars easier.
Sorting out supplements for diabetes
I personally use supplements for my diabetes. I know what I am picking out, why I am using it, and I fine tune my supplement use to just a few of them that are the biggest bang for my buck and health.
Health apps that help diabetes
Do you want help sticking with a treatment plan? There is a health app for that. Need to track your blood glucose levels? There is a diabetes app for that. Want to track calories in and exercise you do? There is an fitness app for that.
The best way to check blood sugars
Use a small wearable device to check your blood sugar trends every 5 minutes, and at a cheap cost. It is easy.
Men vs Women: Whose got the sugars?
Although men and women were created equal, they were also created different. Of course, there are general signs for everyone and their dogs, but there is a caveat that there can be some minor differences between the genders you may want to know.